Better predict what you need
Your leaders will ♥ WORQDRIVE
Skills Inventories
You may not even know what skills you have in house because there is no easy way to see it. And what if you could then compare those skills with your open jobs, you could see opportunities to grow in unexpected ways. Ways that could extend your lines of business or offerings. With WORQDRIVE, you’ll know.
True potentials
We know that it’s easy to elevate people who look like your leaders. Problem is, they may not be the most talented. With WORQDRIVE, you can see talent who’s skills have been validated by their peers most frequently. This enables a more egalitarian approach to succession planning.
Keeping the best
When you identify new high potentials, they are automatically noted in WORQDRIVE for recruiters to tap first for new roles. You must keep that talent. They are your best. They need to grow so your company can continue to grow. And all of this can be done within WORQDRIVE Analyics.
Never miss another
‘Hidden Figure’
Your organization has more high performers that you don’t even know about. Every time one of them walks out the door to a competitor means you lost hard dollars and institutional knowledge. Neither you can afford to lose right now. You need to know the skills you have and the gaps you don’t even know about. You need better insights into the talent. You need WORQDRIVE Analytics.