On favoring external talent
There’s a big difference between the people who already work with us and, well, everyone else.
We know our employees. We’re invested in them. We’ve poured our precious time, effort, and cash into getting acquainted with them. We know how they fit, and we know how they help us accomplish our goals. Their success is directly tied to our success as an organization.
None of this is true of the vast field of outside candidates. As of this moment, we’ve never met them. We don’t know a single thing about them. They are strangers to us. Sure, strangers we could potentially hire after more time, effort, and cash, but strangers nonetheless.
So, why are we treating internal and external candidates the same way when the time comes to fill roles?
Our workers deserve better from us, especially if they’re searching for a new opportunity within the company first. We need to let them know that we value them. We need to let them know that we’re here to support them on their journey. Here’s how we can do exactly that:
Return the favor. Our people are putting us first in their job search, so let’s put our people first in our talent search. Consider internal candidates before venturing out into the talent wilderness to find the right person for the job.
Make it fair. Ensure that the internal hiring process is equitable and free of bias. Where to find open jobs and how to apply to them should be common knowledge. Anonymity should be preserved wherever possible.
Make it easy. Our workers shouldn’t have to dig through a job board or go through the same long, drawn-out application process that outsiders do. They already did that when we hired them!
Promote meaningful engagement. Personalize the experience by providing each employee with opportunities to share feedback on and actively grow their own skills and careers.
Of course, all of this will require a significant switch-up in strategy. With a simple, elegant internal mobility solution, the transition becomes a whole lot easier.
Either way, if we shift to and stick to these internal hiring guidelines, we won’t just be treating our people the way they deserve to be treated. We’ll be helping them stay.